Show End With exFile FD. Return value: This method returns the name of the file or directory pointed by this path object. Since this this command will be used by others on a worksheet routinely distruted and then archived on individual machines at our office (and as these files age they will be moved hence changing their path, It would be very beneficial if this command would Open the dialog box at the path from the current active workbook. Excelapp.DefaultFilePath 'V:\Accounting\Projects\In Work\Project Database\' Unless you are using a very old version of Excel, you can use the FileDialog object for more control: Set FD Excelapp.FileDialog (msoFileDialogFilePicker) With FD. Syntax: Path getFileName () Parameters: This method accepts nothing. NewFN = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Project Tabulations (*.xls), *.xls", Title:="Please select a Previous Tabulation to Open") Whenever you need to allow a user to open a particular file without forcing the user to type the full path and file name, you can use the OpenFileDialog class. Call the standard Windows File Open/Save dialog box. Use GetOpenFileName This brings up a dialog box that allows you to browse your files and choose a file You can then use that file path how you want Here's a screen shot of our. Change the file name in a folder using VBA. The returned name may include a path specification. Specifies the index numbers of the default file filtering criteria. I am using the following code:ĬhDir ("D:2001_AccountingProjects_Tabulation") vFilename Application.GetOpenFilename ('Microsoft Excel Files (.xls). Application.GetOpenFilename Method (Excel). Searching has revealed several variations on GetOpenFileName including how to use ChDir to change the path from where the GetOpenFileName opens from. Thanks for ALL the help I have gotten on this board.