On Election Night, 1904, Theodore Roosevelt had felt the excitement of victory long before the official dispatches reached him. Thanks to:Ian the Admin, for providing the board that gave me the inspiration to try to write. Thanks for map assistance goes to: Tetsu (for allowing me to use the USA Map). It wouldn't be the story it was without you - and I hope that's a good thing. Each of you contributed meaningful ideas or led the story into interesting directions. Thanks for their assistance as "co-editors" goes to: Wendell, DMA, G.Bone, Neroon, Shadow Knight, bill bruno, Imajin. Your contributions gave me a lot of confidence in this first attempt at an alternate history timeline. Thanks for their support goes to: Anaxogoras, Othniel, The Sandman, eschaton, 1940LaSalle, RKORadio, SteveW, Electronic Monk, Baseball, & johnp. We open our story on Election Night, 2004, with Roosevelt having won the nomination after Hanna's death. This results in a change of attitude and behaviour in the person of President Roosevelt, which in turn, affects the world around him.

As our point of divergence, Hanna lives for three months longer than he did in our timeline and has the chance to not only develop the support base for such a challenge, but to disrupt the confidence of the Administration, and most particularly, the President himself. The Republican Party "kingmaker", Mark Hanna, in our timeline, decided to prepare for a challenge to Roosevelt for the Republican Party nomination in 1904, but died before such a challenge could be raised.

Prologue: In His Own Right is based upon the supposition that, following the assassination of US President William McKinley, the Republican Party became very concerned with the behaviour of his successor, Theodore Roosevelt.